Erfahrener Software Entwickler

I am a professional software developer with 10 years of experience in Python, Spring Boot, and React, working at various German companies


Projekt 1

Beschreibung für Projekt 1

people sitting on chair in front of computer monitor
people sitting on chair in front of computer monitor
man in red shirt sitting on chair
man in red shirt sitting on chair

Beschreibung für Projekt 2

woman in pink shirt sitting in front of black laptop computer
woman in pink shirt sitting in front of black laptop computer

Beschreibung für Projekt 3

three women sitting at the table
three women sitting at the table

Beschreibung für Projekt 4

man in red and black striped crew neck shirt wearing headphones
man in red and black striped crew neck shirt wearing headphones

Beschreibung für Projekt 5


Beschreibung für Projekt 6

people in a design meeting in an office boardroom
people in a design meeting in an office boardroom

Beschreibung für Projekt 7

three people, one woman and two men, on laptops in a boardroom
three people, one woman and two men, on laptops in a boardroom

Welcome to my portfolio website! I am an experienced software developer with 10 years of experience in Python, Spring Boot, and React. I work as a full-stack developer and have worked for many companies in Germany